HKBU invents novel cell sensor for rapid and low-cost screening of drug-resistant bacteria

(Photo by HKBU CPRO)
Our team developed a novel cell sensor with a barcode-like micro-channel structure that enables rapid and low-cost screening of drug-resistant bacteria. The invention could potentially be used on a large-scale in resource-limited situations such as frequent safety screenings of water, food and public facilities, as well as urgent surveys of massive samples during an infectious disease outbreak, particularly in developing countries.
The test results of the “barcode” cell sensor were consistent with those conducted with conventional antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). The test can be completed in three hours, which is much faster than conventional AST that requires 16 to 24 hours for results.
This work has been published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics. More details about the publication are available at:
Our research team has filed a patent application for the invention, and they plan to develop it into a portable AST instrument. This work has been featured in the HKBU research news. Following is the link to the news release.
This news has been reported by some media outlets such as
Xinhua Finance Agency
Bizwire Express
The Reporting Today
Other media reports in Chinese:
(I) Print media (30 Sep 2021)
Hong Kong Economic Journal A16
浸大新創快篩耐藥性細菌 條碼細胞傳感器 3小時內完成
Hong Kong Economic Times A13
浸大新傳感器 快速篩查耐藥惡菌 外觀如條碼 成本低冀大規模應用
Wen Wei Po A25
Sing Tao Daily F01
Ming Pao A10
浸大低成本藥敏測試 3小時篩查耐藥細菌
Ta Kung Pao A10
浸大細胞傳感器 低成本篩查耐藥性細菌
(II) Online media
Sing Tao Canada
Sing Tao USA
Line Today
Urbanlife Health
Sing Tao Web
Headline Daily
Hong Kong Economic Journal
StartUpBeat (by HK Economic Journal)
Wen Wei Po
Ming Pao
Ming Pao Education
Ta Kung Pao
Hong Kong Economic Times
Bastille Post