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Prof.Xiaoyu Cao visiting us for research collaboration
Prof.Xiaoyu Cao visited us for establishing a collaborative research based on Teflon microfluidic devices.

Four students spent their summer in our group for summer research project
Four students spent their summer in our group for summer research project. Hui Zheng and Ryan O’Neill from Georgia State University...

Our new publication in Lab Chip "Reliable and reusable whole polypropylene plastic microfluidic!divAbstract With Antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) as an...

Congratulations to Zeyu Li for getting admitted to Cornell University
Congratulations to Zeyu Li for getting admitted to Cornell University. Zeyu was a student in the Program of Chemistry in our Department....

Our work featured as journal front outside cover of Analyst: Microfluidic technologies for vasculatu
Full text link: The human vasculature, made up of a complex network of blood vessels including...

Dr.Ren giving a talk to 451 high school students at the Science Festival of HKBU Science Faculty
Nominated by the Chemistry Department, Dr.Ren gave a talk to 451 high school students at the Science Festival of HKBU Science Faculty.
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