Anjini Karthik is currently an undergraduate student at Stanford University. She conducted research under Dr. Ren's mentoring when she was a student at Saint Francis High School. Starting from 2013, she worked voluntarily with Dr.Ren on cell imprinting. Based on this work, Anjini won 1st place in the Santa Clara County Science Fair and 2nd place in the California Science Fair. In 2014, Anjini has also entered the BioGENEius Challenge and been selected as finalist in the Google Science Fair for 2014. More over, she has been selected as a regional finalist of the Siemens Competition;five individual projects were selected from this region (states of California, Nevada, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Alaska, and Hawaii). Before entering Stanford, Anjini had her first-author research article accepted by Nanoscale, a highly reputed peer-reviewed scientific journal in nanotechnology.
Message from Anjini:
I had the privilege of working with Kangning when I was a high school student on a research project in the Zarelab, Stanford University. I cannot imagine my research experience without Kangning as a mentor--his dedication to the work, commitment to helping me succeed, and support even from thousands of miles away were invaluable for me as a young researcher. Additionally, Kangning's work ethic as a scientist was evident in every experiment we conducted and provided an excellent model for me to emulate. I'm grateful to Kangning for developing my interest in innovation, and I'm excited to see what he works on in the future!
Jerry Zheng-Zhi Liu is currently a Ph.D student at Virginia Tech University. He conducted research of hydrogel-based microfluidic antimicrobial resistance tests when he was pursuing undergraduate final year project and later on working as a research assistant in Ren’s group. He won First Grade Honor for his Bachelor Degree with numerous awards during his study. His Thesis was selected as the best thesis of the year for his study program. He published two first-author peer-reviewed articles during the period in the Ren group.
Message from Jerry:
I had the privilege to work with Dr. Ren for two years, first for my final year project and later as a research assistant. It was a fun and engaging experience that taught me keys in being an effective researcher. As a supervisor, he guided and inspired me to solve problems encountered in my work; as a mentor, he shared his stories and advices in the academic field. Through this I formed my own skill set in research and learnt to be a useful and dependable part of a team, which helps greatly in my current graduate study. One particular lesson that stood out to me was that failures could be a common occurrence and instead of getting frustrated, it is more important to learn from them and understand more and more about the problem to eventually find the solution.
Siyu Chen (right) is currently a Ph.D student at the University of Texas at Austin. She conducted research of superhydrophobic coatings in the Ren group since she was a summer research program student till the completion of her undergraduate final year project. She won First Grade Honor for her Bachelor Degree with numerous awards during his study. She published one first-author peer-reviewed articles during the period in the Ren group.

Message from S :
I am grateful for the precious opportunity to conduct a one-year research on development and mass-production of superhydrophobic films in RenGroup. Dr. Ren is a kind supervisor and has been very supportive of my project. I am really appreciative of all his ideas and knowledge that have stimulated my interest and curiosity in scientific research. These valuable working experiences lead me to pursue my further graduate study. I also wish to express my special thanks to my coordinating RPg student and the other group members for their kind suggestions and assistance in lab. I could not complete my project without the support of the whole group. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!