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Prof. Jinming Lin visited our laboratory
Prof. Jinming Lin from Tsinghua University visited our laboratory and discussed with us about our study on Microfluidicdics.

Congratulations to Zeyu Li for winning the Best Undergraduate Research Project Award
Congratulations to Zeyu Li for winning the Best Undergraduate Research Project Award (there are two awardees every year for the Chemistry...

Welcome new members to the Ren Group
In this month, we have a few new members joining our team. Dr.HU Chuanbo joined us as postdoc fellow. Ms.SIU Sin-Yung joined us as...

浸大清華攜手 促科研產業化

Our report received QS WOW News Award
Words from QS WOWNEWS: "Congratulations! It is our pleasure to inform you that Hong Kong Baptist University has been selected as one of...

Academician Tan discussed our study on aptamer screening.
Prof. Weihong Tan, Member of the Chinese Academy of Science, visited our laboratory and discussed with us about our study on aptamer...

Our recent research is highlighted as the top story on the QS WOW newsletter
A news report " HKBU Scholars Invent World-First Multidimensional System for Rapid Antibiotic Resistance Testing and Analysis" is...

Hong Kong Baptist University researchers invent faster, cheaper and multidimensional AST
Researchers at a Hong Kong university have invented a faster, cheaper and more accurate way to identify how resistant bacteria are to...

Congratulations to CHAN Chiu-Wing winning the Scholastic Award of HKBU
Congratulations to CHAN Chiu-Wing winning the Scholastic Award of HKBU! According to HKBU's Academic Honours, the Scholastic Award is...

Our paper "Recent Progresses in Microfabricating Perfluorinated Polymers (Teflons) and the Asso
Our article entitled "Recent progresses in microfabricating perfluorinated polymers (Teflons) and the associated new applications in...
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